These photos of one enchanting sunset from the first week of June are evidence of the amazing weather we have enjoyed this year...
Unusual weather as well as the rains are usually gentler and fewer in May, and June is typically quite dry, and usually May and June are quite hot.
This year the rains came early...
...and have stayed...
Toads are abounding around SunStar... our population has increased well these last few years..
This year the first toad was spotted months early hanging around the front of the house..
a good sign for a wet year
Many evenings this summer we have driven home from GoatScaping somewhere to watch incredible electric storms and black-wet micro-storms trending across the sky, trailing water as they go...
The weather has been wonderful, may it continue!
The goats are busy working in weedy yards and in invaded fields and under overgrown solar arrays...
Any time spent at home on the range is an opportunity to jump for joy, kicking up their heels in frolic as they head to their tumbleweed field to fill up full of tumbleweed and grasses and clover and saltbush...