The Horned Locusts have really gone to town in the North Valley...
The Elm has been a great big hit!
Several large Elms were downed over the weekend from the massive pre-east-coast-tornado winds...
The goats made quick work of the trail blocking branches...
After a few turns through the blockage was all but forgotten...
The herd has the tendency to uncover all manner of things under old and overgrown weeds.
Thick greenery tends to cover over history and all type of stories...
This dead cat was not so thrilling a find.
Normally we work in residential areas where the type of treasures uncovered are a tennis ball, old Though it reminds me of the transient's bodies that have begun to be uncovered in bosques and besides the trail (like the cat)...
GoatScaping is a great way to prevent these kinds of festering bodies from floating down rivers and into reservoirs during the monsoons...
You would be surprised what the weedy overgrowth holds onto.