Heading out to find the Llamas...
I had to stop and smell the Primroses along the way.
Gorgeous to look and and heaven to smell!
Chopo and Pecos are ready to work the camelids...
The Llamas saw us coming and waited...
We had to wait a few minutes while a pair of bicyclists passed by.
Once they were out of range we started the llamas moving toward home..
...Badger celebrates the finding of his llamas...
Hart II's SunStarBuck watches the llamas, waiting for the signal to start his critters moving...
Llama Ha, Hellon Wheels and Flash have been on the range for a few months and are not immediately willing to go back home... A little cutting-horsework keeps them from turning back...
Guppy backs up Pecos and dad...
Pecos loves this part of the job.. So much like Polo!
Our dog pack, together, help the llama herd move forward calmly. The Australian Shepherds gently but assertively and firmly push the fuzzballs along. The big white Maremmas have calming energy and show the llamas no ill intent. They lead the herd and join in making us all one big group moving together.
Flash has broken down pasterns and is insecure about moving forward,
The dogs keep the pressure gently applied...
Together, Zuli shows Guppy the fine art of gentle persuasion and firm assertion...
Guppy takes the job on and keeps Flash moving...
Flash stops to challenge the dog, Guppy patiently holds her position pushing back just a little...
Flash moves along, but checks out Amber... Still no threatening movement from the dogs...
On we go...
The Llamas pause...
The dogs worked very well together. The mature Zuli, Guppy and Bucky each take charge of a llama while young Badger follows along and backs up different mates...
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