Friday, February 24, 2012

Bring in the Goats!

Some Excellent Reasons 
Why NOW is a Great Time to Hire a GoatHerd
To Balance Land both Large and Small

Goats are used effectively to reduce fire-fuel from alongside roads and at your home. 
Hire goats to reduce fire-fuel wherever the threat exists.

 Goats Love Russian Thistle in the winter! 
This invasive weed is very hot-burning in a fire and likewise keeps a goat warm from the inside in the cold seasons.

 We are into Juniper season! 
Winter's interest in the female trees is transitioning to the male trees as the Juniper pollen becomes ready. Trim your trees from the bottom up with goats! 
They are excellent pruners. 

 Bring in the clean-up crew this late winter/spring and prepare for the coming growing season! Goats are big fans of old dry Buffalo Gourds and other previous seasons' growth.

The result of a leech field post goat-munch. 
The material not consumed and composted by the goat is broken up and pressed into the ground by the browsing ruminants which sets in motion the cycle of decomposition in the dirt which will create the tilth (and mycorrhizal vibrancy) that other plants like grass require. 
Leech fields and other disturbed soil often grow abundant kochia which is a severe allergen loved by goats, but not loved by many people. 
This method promotes transition from kochia to grasses and other forbes.
Stop the Kochia Cycle! Bring in the goats!

 Mow your yard with goats and build tilth simultaneously! 
Improve the Landscape!

 There are choices in life. 
Hiring the Horned Locusts is just one choice. This option allows for a more natural transition to a balanced environment. The neighbor in this photo chose to push a mower for a day. He was still at it when we left, spending more time on less area. The noise, the use of fossil fuels and the heat/exertion are contrasted with the noise, entertainment and smell of the goats. Not to mention the long term investment in your health, your neighbor's health and the health of your land.

 The portable solar electric fencing is used to keep goats within particular areas and out of other areas. This targeted approach allows landscaping and other plantings to be trimmed a little, a lot or not at all.

Not least, goats big and small are a joy to be around for people big and small!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rosy Posy and Bareback on Pecos

The goats were already out and about when I got to SunStar.
I looked around for Pecos who was grazing nearby- but did not find her.
Buck found me though- and the white dogs- who all brought me to the herd.
Dad went and got Pecos, and brought her back to the herd... 

Which had ducked over the hill...

This is a rough pass. 

The goats have been traveling over this hill for about 10 years and have developed a pretty good path where there was only steep incline and rocks.

I took it easy and walked Pecos, there is about four feet on this pass that is a little tricky in the winter.
She was a joy to ride bareback. She is a kind and gentle horse. And great in the steep and rough terrain.

The other side of the hill is also steep, but much warmer.

And on this day I spotted Chimija popping out of the rocky soil.

Back at SunStar.
The puppy in the front left is Rosy Posy. 
She is Curly's littlest pup. The others here are Yolos pups which are about a week younger.

Rosy Posy has been playing with my niece, Sonia (who is 2), 
but was becoming a little shy about people, so I have taken her on an adventure. 
Rosy Posy has been attending the New Mexico Organic Conference in Albuquerque with me.  

She and Guppy are instantly great buddies. 
Guppy has been her surrogate mother and playmate since I brought her to town...

With Sonia's affections Rosy Posy will be very people oriented. 
We therefore wanted to be sure she is well socialized.

The rest of the pups will be bonded with goats and will want to live outside with their stock like Maremmas are bred to be, but this little one will be more in love with people than the average...

As well as other animals.

Guppy looks in on Yolo's little ones...

Guppy is a 7 month old Aussie cross and Rosy Posy is 5 weeks old today.

Goat kids look in on Yolo's pups from the goat-house next door.

Guppy plays with Rosy Posy's littermates.

Swirly is 13 months old. 
He is a very furry Maremma- takes after his great grandpa, Regal.
I love this dog's eyes! He is the most gentle of all the dogs (except maybe Curly, and Yolo).

Alphabet is Swirly's brother. 
He and their other brother, Bullwinkle are for sale.
They are both good workers well bonded to goats and sheep as well.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Horned Locust Remediation utilizes the Maremma Sheepdog to protect goats on the range and on the job. 

 Maremmas are a very old breed from Italy- 2000 years older than the Great Pyrenees. They are thick coated but are better insulated than many thick coated breeds tolerating heat and cold very well. 

Regal in the lead...

Regal is Rocky's grandfather.

Maremmas are bred to guard stock from large predators while in remote places with or without people. 

They bond closely to their herd. Maremmas stay closer to their stock than the Pyrenees which tend to circle a distance from the herd.


They are considered "semi-domestic" and are wolflike in manner- 

but quite gentle and good with people-though they are wary of strangers. 

Yolo as a young pup...

They are very smart and social- very kind and serious about protection- 
but only use as much pressure on a threat as necessary to drive them away.

They are still fairly rare in the states but are becoming more common. 

 They are a dual purpose dog as they do some herding at times to keep the animals together especially when there is a threat. 

In Eldorado we met a Maremma/Golden Retriever crossed dog. 
Very polite...

These are our dogs at work:
Yolo socializes with Eldorado residents...

Yolo and Buck smile for the camera.

Yolo and Rocky escort T.V. Reporter from KOAT-7 

Rocky on the job...

In the crowd.

Rocky leads the herd.

Yolo and Rocky overlook the herd.

Yolo watches the herd in Villanueva.

A 2011 pup

Dogs and Goats are raised together.

Yolo's litter 2011

This puppy enjoyed sitting with the chickens.

One of the 2011 boys...

Large Guardian Dogs and Herding Dogs can work together happily.

Happy pups.

With admiration for Zuli.

The dogs have a romp while out with the goats on a windy day.

Yolo waits for the cue to go...

Bullwinkle hanging with kids at 3 months...

Bullwinkle learning the ropes in Eldorado...

Rocky mentors his pup...

Rocky is an agile dog...

Rocky meets a female Great Pyrenees in the Greenbelt.

Rocky leads the pack...

The boys relax in the shade while the goats munch a yard.

Yolo walks in the Eldorado Parade.
Maremmas can be leash trained with a little work.

Young boys playing, catch a scent in the air.

These dogs are good with adults and children.

Alphabet and Bullwinkle are good buddies.

Alphabet, Bullwinkle and Swirly.

Curly enjoys a little preening from Ozzie the gander.

Curly's pups will be ready on March 10, 2012
Yolo's will be ready March 19, 2012

The pups will be bonded to goats.

Rocky in Eldorado

Bullwinkle on the range

Working a yard...

Yolo onsite in Villanueva

Rocky watches his herd while at work in an Eldorado yard.

Our Maremmas are well socialized and love to please their people. 

Curly at 4 months on the job.

We have 2 litters from Yolo and Curly ready to go to new homes in mid-March.
Alphabet and Bullwinkle are also for sale. They are one-year-old brothers.