Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pecos the Polo Pony

Pecos is our newest horse. She has been a goat herder for over two years now and has come to enjoy her new sport. Pecos was a Polo Pony in her former life, her Champion Career has cut short when she apparently suffered a bad injury to her stifle. It seems to have healed pretty well, and with a bit of warming up does just fine. She has learned well how to negotiate life outside an arena. Hillsides, arroyos, rocks and weeds have been taught to her by careful instruction from dad (her person) and some time on the range running free with Dunny and Chopo.   

Pecos has one blue eye and one black one. Even looking long distances was new to her when we got her. She would raise her head tall and stare intently when cars drove by on a road far away. She has learned to work goats, though she still performs in a game way. This is why I liked her right away, She Is GAME. Even without knowing what the game is she puts her whole heart and body into it, and performs for her rider just as well as she can. She has enthusiasm and loves to turn the herd.  

I have learned to ride by the seat of my pants. Chopo taught me to run, taught me to feel secure at high rates of speed. Pecos teaches me equitation. She has very correct ways of being that she prefers I follow. I have been able to teach Dunny gear changes thanks to Pecos who allowed me to feel it. She is also the smoothest horse, not superfast like the littler ponies, but glides along like a gaited horse. I don't really know what breed she is. She is said to be a Thoroughbred, I have not known enough horses yet to really tell where this pinto hails from.

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